Most non-profit employees are familiar with the benefits of contributing to a Traditional 403(b): before-tax retirement…
Timely Information on Investment Markets and Financial Planning.
Winding Up Withdrawals:
Retirement Savings Part 3
As you approach retirement, how will you access the money you worked so hard to save? This is part three in our retirement…
The Balancing Act of Allocation:
Retirement Savings Part 2
The second step of saving for retirement is to decide how to invest those assets. To determine your asset allocation, decide…
Start with Strategy: Retirement Savings Part 1
The first step of saving for retirement is to implement an investment strategy that provides the annual income you will…
Health and Wealth:
Medical Costs in Retirement
Our life expectancy has increased at a steady pace over the years and is expected to continue increasing. According to the…
When & How: Maximizing Social Security
The timing of Social Security benefits is one of the most frequent questions we get from pre-retirees. The time at which you choose to draw benefits can impact your financial plan throughout retirement. For some, it is a great safety net for fixed expenses while for...
Setting Long Term Goals
In this third video in our series of commonly asked questions we receive, William M. Coxe Jr., Private Client Advisor, discusses the importance of goals in the Financial Planning process. He touches on the wide spectrum of goals and objectives for different...
Group Retirement Benefits Your Employees, Your Business & You
While many people think of the 401(K) when they hear “retirement plan," businesses have numerous factors and options to consider when choosing an employer sponsored retirement plan. First, let’s consider WHY a business would want to offer a retirement plan for...
2021 Retirement Contribution Limits
Every new year is an opportunity to reflect on the past, plan for the coming year, and look forward to the future. There is no question we are stepping into 2021 with an eye towards hope and good things to come. Those good things to come, whether in 2021, or fifteen,...
Financial Tips for Changing
Gears in Retirement
Everyone is probably familiar with the adage, “the only constant in life is change.” Change is inevitable and is constantly reminding us that we must not only accept change but should prudently prepare for changes we know are coming in our lives. As we age, we often...
Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan: How Greenwood Capital Can Help
401(k) The 401(k) is the most popular qualified retirement plan among employers and employees. These plans allow employees to make voluntary pre-tax salary deferral contributions by payroll deduction. In some cases employers will “match” employee contributions. In...