4Q 2023 Market Commentary

4Q 2023 Market Commentary

Economic Overview By Dr. Mark Pyles There have been many instances over the last couple of years where general opinion on the state of the economy could have been summed up with the phrase “impending doom.”  While the second part (“doom”) gets most of the attention in...
4Q 2023 Letter from the CIO

4Q 2023 Letter from the CIO

January 4, 2023 Happy New Year! I hope this letter finds you well and that you enjoyed a pleasant holiday season with family and friends. Reflecting on 2023 is an interesting experience for me. I keep coming back to the class quote from Mark Twain that many of you...
3Q 2023 Market Commentary

3Q 2023 Market Commentary

Economic Overview By Dr. Mark Pyles On September 20th, the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) released their latest Summary of Economic Projections (SEP). Within those projections, the median real GDP growth rate was revised up to 2.1% for 2023, while the...
3Q 2023 Letter from the CIO

3Q 2023 Letter from the CIO

October 6, 2023 I hope this letter finds you well and that you are enjoying the seasonal changes in the air and perhaps some football (not really great for this Gamecocks fan). I’m sure most of you saw the news that Jimmy Buffet passed away last month. While I...
The Budget That Cut a Speaker Market Update from Walter Todd

The Budget That Cut a Speaker
Market Update from Walter Todd

Market Update It’s only Wednesday, but this week’s headlines have already been a roller coaster. In a historic first, the Speaker of the House has been ousted as a government shutdown is narrowly avoided, at least until November. In his typical,...